General Info



The transition to clinical-based learning is a dramatic shift for many students, involving a move away from a focus on memorization to solving and managing patient problems. The time frame shifts from an academic year to a lifetime of learning. The student needs to become a self-motivated, self-organized, life-long learner. The essential skill for success as a clinician and lifelong learner is clinical problem solving. The process of going from a patient’s chief complaint to the creation of an appropriate differential diagnosis and the formulation of a diagnostic therapeutic plan is the core of clinical medicine. Skills essential for competent medical care include the ability to conduct an interview, perform a physical examination, manage medical data, communicate written and oral information, integrate basic science knowledge, search and read the literature critically, and teach. The care of individual patients requires the application of all of these skills. Communication skills play a central role in establishing a therapeutic alliance with the patient and family. This alliance ultimately determines the success of clinical care.


Basic knowledge of the general history, including an understanding of different styles of questions used in the medical review, such as open-ended, directed, follow-up, and summary questions.

General physical examination techniques, including the use of diagnostic instruments.

General organization and problem-solving skills.

Awareness of personal and cultural differences.

Directions to CNMC
Orientation Info
Site Assignments
CNMC Library
PDA Resources



Physical Exam:

Problem Solving:


Student Day:

General Info


Group Case Presentation:


Oral Presentation Guidelines

Evaluator Guidelines

Evaluation Template

Example of Excellent Write up

Example of Poor Write up

Example of actual presentation

Structured Clinical Observation Form


Grading Template