
An Endoscopic Cold Plasma Device to treat Internal Malignancies

This was my first experience in medical device creation, in the Fall of 2012 working with fellow undergraduate student Yash Jain on creating a novel endoscopic device that could be used to treat internal cancers. The current plasma device utilized in the MpN Laboratory is limited to external therapies, specifically, because of the design. This new attachment is a breakthrough for the field, whose realistic use of the therapy made it impractical for most therapies.

Abstract: Propagation of a Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet through an Endoscopic Tube. Yash Jain (Presenting Author), William Murphy (Presenting Author)

This research was presented at a poster session, the 2013 SEAS Student Research and Development Showcase. This poster session was also a competition for graduate and undergraduate research, including student's Capstone Design Projects. Our research won the $2,000 "Entreprenueral Award" at the competition.

The poster was also presented at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering's Second Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Computing. The poster competition featured Biomedical Engineering research going on in the university. It was graciously sponsored by IBE with co-sposnors The Katzen Cancer Research Center, The Institute for Nanotechnology and SEAS.