• For lashes that are sparse, use a volume-adding mascara with thick bristles while for short lashes, use mascara that's suppose to help lengthen.

  • To keep mascara from clumping, before application,put wand in toner and alternate between diping wand in mascara, and toner, and then application.

  • when putting on mascara, start at the very base of the lashes and roll the wand there. then, as you move up toward the ends of the lashes, move the wand back and forth. thus separates them w/o clumps, as well as curls

  • when your in a rush, and don't have time to put on alot of make-up, go with just the mascara...its enough!

  • mascara on upper and lower lashes makes eyes look rounder


lips | eyes | mascara | foundation | extras