• Make sure your foundation is sheer and light to prevent caking. Apply it on a clean and moisturised face. Use a little bit at a time and blend it well either using your fingers or cosmetic sponge, whichever you prefer. A damp sponge would be of some help too.
    (Note: 1 way to prevent bacteria on your hand from getting into that bottle of foundation and contaminating it is to pour the foundation onto a clean sponge first, then let your fingers pick it up from there.)

  • The foundation shade that is right for you is one that should disappear into your skin.

  • Don't forget to blend foundation around hairline, ears, jawline, upper neck, eyelids and lips.

  • Powdering after foundation helps set the foundation, absorbs oil and serves as a boost for a flawless look.

  • Don't add translucent face powder when your face starts to "oil"! This would make instant cakes. Use a face mist spray instead, after which blot with tissue before applying the powder.

  • Foundations with ingredients that reflect light make skin radiant and blemish free.

  • Thick foundation can be mixed with some light moisturiser to give a sheer finish.

  • Use a green concealer before applying foundation if you think you over-blush above acceptable levels. It also hides pimples, blemishes, scars, birthmarks and broken capillaries.

  • Use a yellow concealer before applying foundation to cover up dark colored bruises and dark under-eye circles.

  • Blend some pink/mauve concealer with your regular foundation to help camouflage yellowish bruises and even out uneven yellow-colored skin tone.

  • To cover up dark circles beneath eyes or eye bags, apply some light liquid foundation on the dark areas followed by a concealer that is lighter than your foundation. Blend well.

    It will also be beneficial to apply some gentle eye cream onto the dark circles below you put on foundation.

lips | eyes | mascara | foundation | extras