Topology Atlas | Conferences

KNOTS in WASHINGTON 10 Japan-USA; workshop in Knot Theory
January 23-30, 2000
George Washington University
Washington, DC, USA

Kazuaki Kobayashi, Jozef H. Przytycki, Yongwu Rong, Kouki Taniyama, Tatsuya Tsukamoto, Akira Yasuhara

Conference Homepage

A characterization of knots in a spatial graph
Kazuko Onda
Graduate School of Mathematics, Tsuda College

For a finite graph G, let C(G) be the set of all cycles of G. Suppose that for each c ∈ C(G), an embedding fc:c → S3 is given. A set {fc  |  c ∈ C(G)} of embeddings is realizable if there is an embedding h:G → S3 such that the restriction map h|c is ambient isotopic to fc for any c ∈ C(G). In this talk on six specified graphs G, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a set {fc  |  c ∈ C(G)} to be realizable by using second coefficient of Conway polynomial of knot.

Date received: January 20, 2000

Copyright © 2000 by the author(s). The author(s) of this work and the organizers of the conference have granted their consent to include this abstract in Topology Atlas. Document # caea-14.