

  1. Index to Project MediShare Haiti medical mission
  2. Our entry into the Haitian overland on exit from Elias Pina Dominican Republic, an all-day wait after a motorbike ride across the border into the torpor and poverty of Belladere, and then the failed mission to get SUV’s to pick us up on time and the tumultuous interruption from the fervor and frenzy of World Cup “futbol” before I hire a big bus and we make a rough transit by night up the central plateau on our travel on to Thumonde in the Haitian rainy season central plateau.
  3. Begin our Haitian half of the medical mission, wakening in “Delva’s hotel” in Thumonde, as the stressed out team regroups for the clinics in Marmonte—the clinic all rehabbed and ready, for the GWUMC team to see a wide variety and large number of patients on our first dull Project MediShare day.
  4. A student full-stress clinic day with over 350 patients seen in the Marmonte district Convention Church, and a dozen others undergo treatments from our stocks of medical and surgical supplies, as I make a quick diplomatic sortie to Hinche to meet with (absent) health minister Raul Raphael, and return for a rigorous medical education debriefing tutorial session.
  5. Another full day of clinic activity in yet another site at Savanne Plate in Marmonte, with a debriefing followed by a voodoo ceremony staged for our benefit in Thumonde, as I sort out surgical supplies from the overstocked bags for tomorrow morning’s visit to Paul Farmer at Cange Hospital.
  6. The road trip to Cange Hospital, where we deliver supplies, tour the facilities, and leave notes for both Paul Farmer and Loune, and then return for an immediate return to a remote Marmonte outpost clinic at Sapatere, followed by our final wrap-up and testimonial session for each participant and what the experience had meant to them, before our final celebration in another Huda birthday party.
  7. A very early start to ride the rugged road out of Thumonde toward the Port au Prince capital to catch the outbound flight through MIA toward DCA and home.
  8. Response from Rick James in the office of international medical programs on reports returning from our trip.
  9. Response from Serge Geffraud in assessing our trip.
  10. Response from Adam Benzig, a participant in our Haiti mission.


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