Topology Atlas | Conferences

KNOTS in WASHINGTON XV (2nd Japan-USA Workshop in Knot Theory)
January 10-15, 2003
George Washington University and Johns Hopkins University
Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, USA

Kazuaki Kobayashi, Jozef H. Przytycki, Yongwu Rong, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Kouki Taniyama, Tatsuya Tsukamoto, Akira Yasuhara

Conference Homepage

Finite Group Actions on Partially Peripheral 3-Manifolds
Toru Ikeda
Kochi Medical School

Brin, Johannson and Scott defined a 3-manifold M to be totally peripheral if every loop in M is freely homotopic into the boundary. We generalize this notion and define a 3-manifold M to be partially peripheral if every loop in M is a band sum of finite number of loops freely homotopic into the boundary. We study orientation-preserving finite group actions on a partially peripheral 3-manifold, which agree on the boundary, up to equivalence relative to the boundary.

Date received: December 20, 2002

Copyright © 2002 by the author(s). The author(s) of this work and the organizers of the conference have granted their consent to include this abstract in Topology Atlas. Document # cajr-23.