Department of Management Science, Monroe Hall 403 The George Washington University,
Washington, DC 20052



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Refik Soyer is a Professor of  Management Science and a Research Associate at the Institute for Reliability and Risk Analysis at The George Washington University. Dr. Soyer received his DSc in Operations research from the George Washington University, MSc in Operations Research from the University of Sussex, England and BA in Economics from Bogazici University, Turkey. He joined the School of Business and Public Management (SBPM) at George Washington University in 1987 and has served as the director of Management Decision Making Program at SBPM. He has served on the editorial board of the Journal of the American Statistical Association and has published more than 70 papers on reliability modeling, statistical aspects of reliability analysis and Bayesian statistics and has coedited the Kluwer volume "Mathematical Reliability: An Expository Perspective",  with Thomas A. Mazzuchi, and Nozer D. Singpurwalla. His research interests are in Bayesian inference, decision analysis, reliability modeling and statistical aspects of reliability analysis, dynamic models and time series analysis. He is an elected member of  the International Statistical Institute and a fellow of the Turkish Statistical Association.


“Probit and Logit Models: Difference in the Multivariate Realm”, (with Eugene D. Hahn), 2005, submitted to The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. Pdf

"Bayesian Analysis of Pulse Trains with Hidden Missingness", (with M. Hock), 2005, submitted to Technometrics. PostScript

"Bayesian Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains: Applications to Mental Health Data", (with M. Sung and N. Nhan), 2004, submitted to Statistics in Medicine. Pdf

"Modeling and Analysis of Call Center Arrival Data: A Bayesian Approach", (with M. Tarimcilar), 2004,submitted to Management Science.  Pdf

"Semi-Markov Modulated Poisson Process: Probabilistic and Statistical Analysis", (with S. Ozekici), 2004,  submitted to Mathematical Methods of  Operations Research. Pdf

"Information Criteria for Specification Search in Generalized Gamma Family", (with A. Dadpay and E. S. Soofi), 2004,  Journal of Econometrics, invited for revision.  Pdf

NSF Project: Testing of Software with an Operational Profile

Edited Volume:
Mathematical Reliability: An Expository Perspective, (Eds., R. Soyer, T. A. Mazzuchi, and N. D. Singpurwalla, Eds.), 2004, Kluwer.
Table of Contents


"Bayesian Portfolio Selection with Multivariate Random Variance Models" (with K. Tanyeri), 2005, European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming.  Pdf

"Are Maintenance Practices for Railroad Tracks Effective ? " (with J. R. Merrick and T. A. Mazzuchi), 2005, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 100, pp. 17-25. Pdf

"Reliability Modeling and Analysis under Random Environments", (with S. Ozekici), 2004, in Mathematical Reliability: An Expository Perspective, (R. Soyer, T. A. Mazzuchi, and N. D. Singpurwalla, Eds.), pp. 249-273.  Pdf

"Network Reliability Assessment in a Random Environment", (with S. Ozekici), 2003, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 50, pp. 574-591. Pdf

"Optimal Stopping Rules for Software Testing", (with N. Morali), 2003, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 50, pp. 88-104.Pdf

"Bayesian Analysis of Markov Modulated Bernoulli Processes", (with S. Ozekici), 2003, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 57, pp. 125-140.  Pdf

"A Bayesian Semi-parametric Analysis of the Reliability and Maintenance of  Machine Tools (with J. R. Merrick and T. A. Mazzuchi), 2002, Technometrics, Vol. 48, pp. 58-69. Pdf

"Stochastic Process Models for Reliability in Dynamic Environments", (with T. A. Mazzuchi, S. Ozekici and N. D. Singpurwalla), 2002, Handbook of Statistics: Statistics in Industry, (C. R. Rao and R. Khattree, Eds.), forthcoming.  Poscript file

"Reliability of Software with an Operational Profile", (with S. Ozekici), 2003, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 149, pp. 459-474.  Pdf

"Bayesian Testing Strategies for Software with an Operational Profile", (with S. Ozekici), 2001, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 48, pp. 747-763.  Pdf

"Bayesian Analyses of Longitudinal Binary Data using Markov Regression Models of Unknown Order (with A. Erkanli and A. Angold), 2001, Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 20, pp. 755-770.  Postscript file

"Bayesian Portfolio Selection in Random Variance Models", (with K. Tanyeri),  2001, Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science, Policy and Official Statistics, (Edward George, Ed.), pp. 527-535.

 "Bayesian Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains", (with M. Sung), 2001, Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science, Policy and Official Statistics, (Edward George, Ed.), pp. 517-526.

"Simulation Based Designs for Accelerated Life Tests", (with A. Erkanli), 2000,  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 90, pp. 335-348.  Postscript File

"Computation and Applications of Maximum Entropy Dirichlet Procedure", (with T. A. Mazzuchi and E. S. Soofi), 2000, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 32, pp. 361-378.

"Bayesian Inference for Prevalence in Longitudinal Two-Phase Studies", (with  A. Erkanli and E. J. Costello), 1999, Biometrics, Vol. 55, pp. 1145-1150.  Postscript file

"Optimal Design for Quantal Bioassay via Monte Carlo Methods",  (with L. Kuo and F. Wang), 1999, Bayesian Statistics 6, (J. O. Berger, J. M. Bernardo,  A. P. Dawid and A. F. M. Smith, Eds.),  pp. 795-802.


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