Topology Atlas | Conferences

Knots in Washington XXXV
December 7-9, 2012
George Washington University
Washington, DC, USA

Mieczyslaw K. Dabkowski (UT Dallas), Valentina Harizanov (GWU), Jozef H. Przytycki (GWU), Yongwu Rong (GWU), Radmila Sazdanovic (U.Penn), Alexander Shumakovitch (GWU), Hao Wu (GWU)

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Generalized crossing changes in satellite knots
Cheryl Balm
Michigan State University

We will show that if K is a satellite knot which admits a generalized cosmetic crossing change of order q with |q| ≥ 6, then K admits a pattern knot with a generalized cosmetic crossing change of the same order. As a consequence of this, we find that any prime satellite knot which admits a pattern knot that is fibered cannot admit a generalized cosmetic crossing change of order q with |q| ≥ 6. We also show that if there is any knot admitting a generalized cosmetic crossing change of order q with |q| ≥ 6, then there must be such a knot which is hyperbolic.

Date received: October 23, 2012

Copyright © 2012 by the author(s). The author(s) of this work and the organizers of the conference have granted their consent to include this abstract in Topology Atlas. Document # cbfw-08.