Topology Atlas | Conferences

Knots in Washington XVII, Conference on Knot Theory and its Ramifications
December 19-21, 2003
Washington, DC, USA

Marta M.Asaeda (U.Iowa), Mietek K.Dabkowski (UTD), Jozef H.Przytycki(GWU), Yongwu Rong (GWU)

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The Block Property of Integral Bases for TQFT's and its Consequences
Thomas Kerler
The Ohio State University

TQFT's defined over general rings allows us to map topological information of 3-manifolds into the ideal structure of the ring. In many examples, such as the rings of cyclotomic integers, integral bases for the TQFT's have a block property with respect to the sewing of surfaces which implies a number of important structural properties, such as finite typeness, cut-number estimates, and special filtrations of the mapping class groups. We will explain these relations and connections in greater generality, and provide some concrete exmaples.

Date received: December 9, 2003

Copyright © 2003 by the author(s). The author(s) of this work and the organizers of the conference have granted their consent to include this abstract in Topology Atlas. Document # camw-10.