Topology Atlas | Conferences

Knots in Washington XVI; Conference on Knot Theory and its Ramifications
May 5-7, 2003
University of Maryland
College Park, MD, USA

Marta M. Asaeda (UMD), William M. Goldman (UMD), John J. Millson (UMD), Jozef H. Przytycki (GWU)

Conference Homepage

List of Talks

Marta M. Asaeda Topics from subfactor theory and TQFT
Richard Brown Automorphisms of the Fricke characters of free groups
Mieczyslaw K. Dabkowski Rational moves on links
Bill Goldman Flat Lorentz 3-manifolds: an overview
Brenda Johnson Links in spatial embeddings of graphs
Paul Kainen Quantum algebra and the Four Color Theorem
Slava Krushkal 4-dimensional surgery: the A, B-slice problem
Eun Soo Lee Khovanov Invariant
John J. Millson Representations of braid groups of Lie type
Adrian Ocneanu Quantum subgroups, canonical basis, and boundary topological invariants
Teresa Przytycka "Topology" of protein folds
Jozef H. Przytycki Kauffman-Harary Conjecture holds for Montesinos knots
Jonathan Rosenberg Equivariant Euler Operators and Characteristics
Richard Schwartz modular circle quotients and PL limit sets
Adam S. Sikora Relations between the Sl(2, C)-representations of knot groups and the Jones polynomial of a knot.
Piotr Stachura C*-algebras and (locally) Compact Quantum Groups - an overview
George Stantchev Dynamics of the modular group acting on GL(2, R)-characters of a once-punctured torus.

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