Topology Atlas | Conferences

KNOTS in WASHINGTON XV (2nd Japan-USA Workshop in Knot Theory)
January 10-15, 2003
George Washington University and Johns Hopkins University
Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, USA

Kazuaki Kobayashi, Jozef H. Przytycki, Yongwu Rong, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Kouki Taniyama, Tatsuya Tsukamoto, Akira Yasuhara

Conference Homepage

List of Talks

Charilaos Aneziris The Tabulation of Links
John Armstrong Representations of Tangle Categories and the Bracket Polynomial
Marta Asaeda Fusion Rules of orbifold systems.
M. Azram Achirality of Knots
Gefry Barad Genome rearrangements and algebraic geometry
Khaled Bataineh Geometric Invariants for Knots in the Solid Torus
Jae Choon Cha Concordance and rational knots
Abhijit Champanerkar The next simplest hyperbolic knots.
Mieczyslaw K. Dabkowski Non-left-orderable 3-manifold groups II
Oliver Dasbach On Legendrian knots
Patrick Gilmer Integral bases for TQFT Modules
Aaron Heap Bordism Invariants of the Mapping Class Group
Laure Helme-Guizon Approximation of the coefficients of the HOMFLYPT polynomial by Vassiliev invariants
Toru Ikeda Finite Group Actions on Partially Peripheral 3-Manifolds
Nikolai V. Ivanov A new construction of the Kauffman polynomial
Jeff Johannes Determining the number of components of a link from its planar graph.
Paul C. Kainen On Zarankiewicz's conjecture regarding the crossing number of K_p, q
Uwe Kaiser Deformation of string topology and skein modules of oriented 3-manifolds
Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska Turaev-Viro invariant and spinal surfaces in a 3-manifold.
Taehee Kim New obstructions for doubly slicing knots
Slava Krushkal 4-manifolds, slice links, and Dwyer's filtration
Ruth Lawrence Some computations of Ohtsuki series for 3-manifolds
Daniel Matei Homology of finite cyclic coverings of links and Massey products
Thomas Mattman Exceptional surgery and boundary slopes
Cynthia McCabe Constructing Algebraic Links and Tangles for Low Edge Numbers
Michael McLendon Detecting torsion in skein modules using Hochschild homology
Jozef H. Przytycki Action of braid groups related to double branched covers
Freydoon Rahbarnia Knots and Graphs
Dušan Repovš On the Sato-Levine invariant
Ofer Ron Construction of Braid Representations Through Hyperplane Arrangements
Ted Stanford Finite-type invariants based on doubled-delta moves
Kouki Taniyama On the sum of external angles of a convex polyhedron
Ataollah Togha Non-left-orderable 3-manifold groups I
Tatsuya Tsukamoto On the classification of closed Pseudo-Anosov 3-braids in the standard contact 3-space
H. E. Winkelnkemper AP Theory: A Discrete, Purely Group Theoretic TOE
Akira Yasuhara Linking numbers in rational homology 3-spheres, cyclic branched covers and infinite cyclic covers
Louis Zulli An Extension of the Jones Polynomial of Classical Knots

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