Topology Atlas | Conferences

KNOTS in WASHINGTON 10 Japan-USA; workshop in Knot Theory
January 23-30, 2000
George Washington University
Washington, DC, USA

Kazuaki Kobayashi, Jozef H. Przytycki, Yongwu Rong, Kouki Taniyama, Tatsuya Tsukamoto, Akira Yasuhara

Conference Homepage

List of Talks

Peter Brinkmann Computing Triangulations of Mapping Tori of Surface Homeomorphisms
Dubravko Ivanšić Hyperbolic Structure on "link" complements in S4
Gyo Taek Jin Coefficients of Homfly polynomial and Kauffman polynomial are not finite type invariants
Seiichi Kamada Abstract link diagrams and virtual knots
Kazuaki Kobayashi Boundary links which are not homotopically split
Ilya S. Kofman Approximating Jones coefficients and other link invariants by Vassiliev invariants
Weiping Li Link invariant from representation variety
Daniel Matei Representations to finite groups and characteristic varieties
Daniel Matignon Dehn surgeries and reducible, or P2-reducible 3-manifolds
Hiroshi Matsuda Complements of hyperbolic 4-braid knots contain no closed embedded totally geodesic surfaces
Kenneth C. Millett Spaces of Polygonal Knots
Haruko A. Miyazawa Cn-moves and polynomial invariants for links
Yasuyuki Miyazawa The Kauffman polynomial of order 1
Michael Monastyrsky Knots, links and Physics
Kazuko Onda A characterization of knots in a spatial graph
Jozef H. Przytycki Symplectic and unitary quotients of Burau representation, and 3-move and t_3, bar t_4-move conjectures
Marta Rampichini Exchangeable braids
Dušan Repovš Topology of 2-polyhedra in 3-manifolds
Yongwu Rong On higher order link polynomials
Masahico Saito Some geometric aspects of quandle (co)homology and cocycle invariants of knotted curves and surfaces
Adam S. Sikora Cyclic group actions on manifolds-informal introduction
Maxim Sokolov Surgeries on periodic links and homology of periodic manifolds
Fernando J. O. de Souza A survey of the 3-manifold invariants derived from Hopf objects focusing on diagrammatic language.
Ted Stanford Brunnian links are determined by their complements
Toshifumi Tanaka On bridge numbers of composite ribbon knots
Kouki Taniyama Band description of knots and Vassiliev invariants
Debora M. Tejada SL(2, C) Representations of Tunnel Number One Knots, Examples
Tatsuya Tsukamoto The forth skein module for 4-algebraic links
Michael A. Veve Open Problems in Billiard Knots
Harumi Yamada Delta distance and Vassiliev invariants of knots
David N. Yetter Vassiliev Theory as Deformation Theory

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