Brain and Navigation Laboratory




Collaborators at George Washington University

Samuel J. Potolicchio, Jr., MD, Dept. of Neurology

Anthony J. Caputy, MD, Dept. of Neurosurgery

Lucien Levy, MD, PhD, Dept. of Radiology

Tim Biega, MD, Dept. of Radiology

David Chichka, PhD, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

John Sibert, PhD, Dept. of Computer Science

Jerome Danoff, PhD, Dept. of Exercise Science


Motion Capture and Analysis (MOCA) Laboratory


Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis


Collaborators elsewhere...

Marlene Behrmann, PhD, University of Toronto

Rob Lindemann, PhD, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Jack Loomis, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

Sandra Black, MD

Roberta Klatzky, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University

William Thompson, PhD, University of Utah

Andrew C. Beall, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

Reginald Golledge, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

Jeremy Goodridge, PhD

Shannon O'Leary, PhD