Vocabulary Logo


A Word A Day (two reviews)
Cool Word of the Day
ESL Idiom Page (three reviews)
ESL Slang Page
Flags and Countries Page
Focusing on Words
Idiom Quizzes: Dave's ESL Cafe
Quiz Wiz
Toon in to Idioms
Weekly Idiom Page (two reviews)
Word Drop

A Word A Day
Reviewed by Praiya Chantakraiwat (Thailand) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     A Word A Day is a site that helps students improve and increase their vocabulary in English. It provides a word along with the definition and pronunciation every day. 
     I like it very much. Not only it increases my vocabulary knowledge, but also entertains me. It is not a kind of boring in learning vocabulary because I can hear the pronunciation by Real Audio. It also provides tips on how to remember words. 
     I think A Word A Day is very useful for me! 

Reviewed by Ahmed Al Jaberi (United Arab Emirates) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     This site is a very useful one, especially for English-language students. This site helps the students to increase their vocabulary every day. 
     The most interesting thing is that you can hear the pronunciation of each word using either WAV or Real Player. 
     In addition, if you subscribe, you will be sent a new vocabulary word and its definition via e-mail every day. It gives the word with its meaning,  written explanation of how it is pronounced, and a sample sentence. 


Cool Word of the Day

Reviewed by Maria Carolina Uribe (Colombia) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     I like this site because its design is beautiful. Also its name is very creative, original, and innovative. 
     You can find the meaning of every word and also synonyms and antonyms. This kind of page is very helpful for EFL students so that we can easily improve our vocabulary. 


ESL Idiom Page

Reviewed by Juana Maria Castaneda (Colombia) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     At first glance the Vocabulary section  is the most didactic site of the ESL Study Hall Website. 
     The lack of an extensive vocabulary is one of the biggest problems that international students must deal with. You never find the exact words to express your feelings. 
     This is an excellent site where you can learn useful words, verbs, even slang, and improve your communication skills. 

Reviewed by Abdullah Abulkhair (United Arab Emirates) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     I visited the ESL Idiom Page in theVocabulary section, and I think it's very nice because it teaches the international.student new words and it gives us very useful examples. 

Reviewed by Ahmed Al Jaberi (United Arab Emirates) 
The George Washington University 

     The ESL Idiom Page, by Dennis Oliver, is a very interesting page. It has a quite big list of useful idioms. 
     When you first enter the site, you will find three choices, you can see the complete list of the collection, and they are in alphabetical order. The second choice is lists of meanings and examples of some idioms, this one is what I liked most. The third one is the random idiom from the collection; it shows an idiom and an expression with it. 
     I liked the second part, because it lists some idioms with their meanings and an example for each idiom. There I knew many idioms' meanings, also some new expressions. 
     It's a very useful site, especially for foreign students. There you can learn many expressions, which are daily used in the American society. 


ESL Slang Page
Reviewed by Kayoung Kim (Korea) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     When we learn a foreign language, of course, the most important thing is to learn it properly. But, to get close to that foreign language before we work on it, it is also necessary  to know an easy spoken language which we can also use among friends. I think this ESL Slang Page plays that kind of note to stimulate students to learn English so that's why I like this site. 


Flags and Countries Quiz
Reviewed by Alicia Arango Suarez (Colombia) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     It is very nice to use a web page where you can learn not just reading but also writing. It is a good challenge to see some flags and then guess the country. 
     I like it a lot when I can use the computer not just moving the mouse. It is nice when you can use the keyboard. 


Focusing on Words

Reviewed by Rompissri Noichaiboon (Thailand) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

       I can advance English vocabulary language at this site. I like to enhance my English language skills. Moreover, I like to know more words in order to communicate more clearly and powerfully. 
      This site is very useful for me because it is important that I know the meanings of words and  use in my writing. 


Idiom Quizzes: Dave's ESL Cafe

Reviewed by Fumiyo Seimiya (Japan) 
George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     This section provides a variety of themes for the Idioms Quizzes, such as Animal Idioms, Australian Slang Quiz, Confusing Words, Face Idioms, and Number Quiz. I like the Animal Idioms best because some idioms are very similar to proverbs in my country. It is very funny how animals are described in metaphorical phrases. 
     If you do not know the idiom, you can predict the answer by guessing. You get your score and the correct answers immediately. 



Quiz Whiz

Reviewed by Nahed Turkistani (Saudi Arabia) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     I like the Quiz Wiz very much. It is very useful to improve your vocabulary with a lot of fun.  You can enjoy yourself with Quiz Wiz even though you are learning. 


Toon In To Idioms
Reviewed by Oksana Prokhvacheva (Russia) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     I found this site interesting and useful because I have always had problems with idioms. Here they are explained clearly and what is important is that you can see their visual representations. It's fun learning new idioms in this way. 
     There are also quizzes that may help you to check your knowledge. 



Weekly Idiom Page

Reviewed by Rachel Kim (Korea) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     The Weekly Idiom page was what I've been looking for all these years ever since I started studying English. As my English improved in depth, I realized that I was not aware of many expressions that the native speakers often used. 
     The given definitions are fairly simple to understand and I especially like the examples because they  are in conversation form. 

Reviewed by Maria Alexandra Alvarez (Venezuela) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     I like this site because I think that one of the most difficult things to learn is  idioms. Americans usually use idioms and it is impossible to learn idioms by translating word for word. For this reaon it is useful to have a Web page that explains the meaning of some idioms. 


Word Drop
Reviewed by Yunita Linda Sari (Indonesia) 
The George Washington University 
Washington, DC 

     This site is a very interesting and fun way to learn English. You will learn new vocabulary by using this game. It's like the block game. You will like it and enjoy it. Vocabulary is not a boring subject anymore! You'll be learning and playing a game at the same time. 


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Updated on March 6, 2003