Welcome to the website of David J Mathison, MD



At the age of 6, I won the Maryland state Lego Building championship.  Set to defend my crown at age 7, I was slighted by a rival craftsman, thwarting any chances for celebrity endorsement deals or for a Wheatie's cover.  I pursued other interests and quickly became fascinated with music.  I learned to play the the sax, piano, and percussion instruments.  At Emory University I studied electronic music and recording technologies.  I subsequently toured with a four-piece rock band called Handsome Pete around the mid-atlantic.  But after playing too many late night smoky gigs, I put down my drumsticks and matriculated at medical school in Virginia.  I went on to study pediatric medicine and later, pediatric emergency medicine.  I now practice emergency medicine at Children's National Medical Center and teach at the medical school.  My main areas of interest include business models, efficiency, cost analysis, and education.  I can be contacted at dmathiso@cnmc.org


For an electronic version of my resume, click here


Feel free to scroll my pages.  Welcome!