Villa Blanca - June 6, 2004

Maximum Depth - 55 feet
Total Time - 50 minutes

Something I didn't expect to see on this trip (but probably should have), a Seahorse

I'm not certain, but I think this is a Bluelip Parrotfish in its initial color phase

Another Seahorse

This fish is called a Puddingwife. That's right, I said "Puddingwife".

A Spotted Goatfish

A Honeycomb Cowfish

This small, spindly crab was making its home inside a funnel-shaped sponge

It's a fish

A Smooth Trunkfish

Gray Angelfish

A Sargassum Triggerfish

A Doctorfish

Another Doctorfish

A Conch

A Spotted Goatfish

Some pictures of Scrawled Filefish

A Doctorfish