Theoretical Issues in Korean Linguistics

Edited by Young-Key Kim-Renaud

1994, Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information (555 pages).

ISBN (Paperback): 1881526518 $30.95 , ISBN (Cloth): 1881526526 $55.00

CSLI Publications titles are distributed by The University of Chicago Press
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This volume contains a collection of articles reflecting the dynamic and lively state of Korean linguistics today. Areas represented include theoretical phonology, morphology, and syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, discourse/pragmatics, and first language acquisition. The papers were chosen from those presented at the Eighth International Conference on Korean Linguistics.


(g한국언어학에 있어서 이론적 쟁점h)에는 8 국제 한국언어학회에서 발표된 50 논문중 여러 차례의 전례없는 엄격한 심사과정을 통하여 최종 선택된 26개의 논문과 특별초총으로 포함된 한편의 논문이 들어있다. 한국인과 외국의 석학들이 참가하여 한국 언어학의 광대한 분야를 다루었으며, 음성학, 음운학, 형태론, 구문론, 의미론, 역사언어학, 담화화용론, 그리고 제일 언어습들론 연구 논문들이 들어있다. 책은 다음 몇편의 서평에서 보다시피 한국언어학이 진실로 국제화하는데 공헌하며 처음으로 외국의 주요 학술지에서 서평을 받는 , 한국언어학 역사상 새로운 이정표가 되었다.


"Setting a standard for future collections, this volume is an important contribution to the study of Korean.  It presents a comprehensive overview of contemporary theoretical studies in all aspects of Korean linguistics, and shows the current areas of research focus.  It also gives us a glimpse of what the major issues in the near future will be."- Peter Sells, Stanford University (from the jacket of the book)


gPerhaps the broades collection of papers ever published on the general theme of Korean linguistics.h – Ho-min Sohn, University of Hawaii (from the jacket of the book).


"... the volume is a timely contribution to the field of Korean linguistics, and should be read widely by all those interested. I would urge the current leadership of ICKL to continue this excellent tradition." –James H. Yoon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Journal of Asian Studies.  


"Each of the contributions addresses a specific aspect of the Korean language; however, the collection can be said to represent the range of current linguistic inquiry both by native and nonnative speakers of the language.  The value of this book lies in the usefulness of such volumes to researchers interested in a representative sample of studies on Korean linguistics." –V. LoCastro, International Christian University, Language.