

  1. NOV-B-1  Index to the Thanksgiving and Nov-B-series
  2. Thanksgiving—the tradition continues, traditionally, with the early morning Turkey Chase 10K with Joe and the afternoon drive—this time with new sporty wheels—to Trappe and the Eastern Shore of Md for the opening day of deer season.
  3. Tentative plans for a four venue trip by Bronco on a one-way trip through upstate New York, Chicago, Michigan and a return by air to Maryland with a later air rendezvous with the returning hunting gear and photo albums in Cumberland Island.
  4. The Thanksgiving Day and end-of-November season: a favorite of the year, with the Turkey Chase for starters, the Trappe MD turkey dinner celebration, and the deer hunting of MD’s opening day and season: in a cold and windy opening day, a single deer, a single shot, and a big buck falls to David Schaefer and me.

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