LaTeX for Students 9/14/2014

  1. Distributions

  2. MikTeX (for Windows):

  3. MacTeX (for Mac):

  4. TeXLive (for Linux, BSD, etc.): install the version of LaTeX available through your package manager.

  5. Link to student edition of Mathematica [for GW students] (instructions from SEAS)

  6. PowerPoint slides from my lecture (2014 version)

  7. Sample Documents:

  8. Classroom examples (from my version of Math 2572)

  9. Basic document: README.docx, basic.tex Less basic: README.docx, Class2Lecture.tex, Class2Lecture1.pdf

  10. Even less basic: Class3Lecture.tex, Class3Lecture1.pdf, picture1.pdf

  11. Templates

  12. Homework: homework.tex, homework.pdf

  13. Dissertation: dissertation.tex

  14. Real Examples

  15. Research Paper 1: paper1.tex, paper1.pdf, journal1.pdf

  16. Research Paper 2: paper2.tex, paper2.pdf, Rot.pdf,

  17. Slide Show: BeamerTemplate.tex, KIAS.pdf,

Comment: For each item on the list, download all the associated files into the same directory (so that LaTeX can find them). Then open the .tex file (in TeXWorks or the like) and run LaTeX (pdfLaTeX version). In some cases a sample .pdf output or README is also included.

CTAN lion draw­ing by Duane Bibby