Publications of Hosam M. Mahmoud Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Hosam_files\n.gif


Description: Description: Evolution of Random Search Trees (Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization)

Mahmoud, H. (1992). Evolution of Random Search Trees. Wiley, New York.



Mahmoud, H. (2000).  Sorting: A Distribution Theory. Wiley, New York. See errata.



Description: Description: Product Image

Mahmoud, H. (2008).  Pólya Urn Models. Chapman-Hall, Orlando.

Edited Volumes

Mahmoud, H. (2004). Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms. A special issue of the Iranian Statistical Society, volume 3. North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Description: Description: scansnap-papers  Research papers

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Mahmoud, H. and Pittel, B. (1984). On the most probable shape of a search tree grown from random permutations. SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete methods, 1, 69-81.

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Mahmoud, H. (1986). The expected distribution of node degrees in random binary search trees. The Computer Journal, 29, 36-37.

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Mahmoud, H. (1986). On the average internal path length of m-ary search trees. Acta Informatica, 23, 111-117.

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Gastwirth, J. and Mahmoud, H. (1986). An efficiency robust nonparametric test for scale change for data from a Gamma-distribution. Technometrics, 28, 81-84.

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Mahmoud, H. and Pittel, B. (1988). On the joint distribution of the insertion path length and the number of comparisons in search trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 20, 243-251.

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Mahmoud, H. and Pittel, B. (1989). Analysis of the space of search trees under the random insertion algorithm. Journal of Algorithms, 10, 52-75.

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Mahmoud, H. (1991). Limiting distributions for path lengths in recursive trees. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences5, 53-59.

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Mahmoud, H. and Smythe, R. (1991). On the distribution of leaves in rooted subtrees of recursive trees. The Annals of Applied Probability1, 406-418.

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Mahmoud, H. (1992). A law of large numbers for path lengths in search trees. Chapter in Random Graphs: vol. II, A. Frieze and M. Karonski, Editors. Wiley, New York.

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Mahmoud, H. (1992). Distances in random plane-oriented recursive trees. Journal of Computational Applied Mathematics, invited paper in the special volume on Asymptotics in Discrete Mathematics and Analysis, 41, 237-245.

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Mahmoud, H. and Smythe, R. (1992). Asymptotic joint normality of outdegrees of nodes in random recursive trees. Random Structures and Algorithms, 3, 255-266.

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Mahmoud, H., Smythe, R. and Szymanski, J. (1993). On the structure of plane-oriented recursive trees and their branches. Random Structures and Algorithms, 4, 151-176.

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Hurley, C. and Mahmoud, H. (1994). Analysis of an algorithm for random sampling. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 8, 153-168.

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Mahmoud, H. (1994). A strong law for the height of random binary pyramids. The Annals of Applied Probability4, 923-932.

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Lew, L. and Mahmoud, H. (1994). The joint distribution of elastic buckets in multiway search trees. SIAM Journal on Computing, 23, 1050-1074.

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Smythe, R. and Mahmoud, H. (1994). A survey of recursive trees. Theorya Imovirnosty ta Matemika Statystika51 (in Ukrainian), 1-29; an English translation appears in Theory of Probability and Its Applications (1996).

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Mahmoud, H. (1995). The joint distribution of the three types of nodes in uniform binary trees. Algorithmica13, 313-323.

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Mahmoud, H. and Orlandic, R. (1995). Toward a formal derivation of the expected behavior of prefix B-trees. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences2, 183-192.

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Mahmoud, H. and Smythe, R. (1995). Probabilistic analysis of bucket recursive trees. Theoretical Computer Science, a special volume on the analysis of algorithms, 144, 221-249.

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Mahmoud, H., Modarres, R. and Smyhe, R. (1995). Analysis of QUICKSELECT: An algorithm for order statistics. Theoretical Informatics and Its Applications, 29, 255-276.

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Lent, J. and Mahmoud, H. (1996). Average-case analysis of MULTIPLE QUICKSELECT: An algorithm for finding order statistics. Statistics and Probability Letters, 28, 299-310.

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Orlandic, R. and Mahmoud, H. (1996). O-trees, B-trees and Prefix B-trees: A comparative analysis. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,  7, 209-226.

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Fill, J., Mahmoud, H. and Szpankowski, W. (1996). On the distribution for the duration of a randomized leader election algorithm. The Annals of Applied Probability, 6, 1260-1283.

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Lent, J. and Mahmoud, H. (1996). On tree-growing search strategies. The Annals of Applied Probability, 6, 1284-1302.

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Mahmoud, H., Régnier, M. and Smythe, R. (1997). Analysis of Boyer-Moore-Horspool string-matching heuristic. Random Structures and Algorithms, Special Issue on the Analysis of Algorithms, 10, 169-187.

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Mahmoud, H. (1998). On rotations in fringe-balanced binary trees. Information Processing Letters65, 41-46.

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Mahmoud, H. and Smythe, R. (1998). Probabilistic Analysis of Multiple Quick Select. Algorithmica,  22, 569-584.

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Mahmoud, H., Flajolet, P., Jacquet, P. and Régnier, M.  (2000). Analytic variations on bucket selection and sorting. Acta Informatica, 36, 735-760.

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Kotz, S., Mahmoud, H. and Robert, P.  (2000). On generalized Pólya urn models. Statistics and Probability Letters, 49, 163-173.

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Christophi, C. and Mahmoud, H. (2001). Distribution of the size of Random hash trees, pebbled hash trees and N-trees. Statistics and Probability Letters, 23, 277-288.

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Tsukiji, T. and Mahmoud, H. (2001). A limit law for outputs in random circuits. Algorithmica, 31, 403-412.

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Mahmoud, H. and Tsukiji, T. (2001). On the internal structure of random recursive circuits. Journal of Computational Applied Mathematics, 142, 155-171.

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Hubalek, F., Hwang, H. Lew, W., Mahmoud, H., Prodinger, H. (2002). A multivariate view of random bucket digital search Trees. Journal of Algorithms, 44, 121-158.

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Mahmoud, H. (2002). The size of random bucket trees via urn models. Acta Informatica, 38, 813-838.

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Mahmoud, H. and Neininger, R. (2002). Distribution of distances in random binary search trees. The Annals of Applied Probability, 13, 253-276.

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Mahmoud, H. (2003). Urn models and connections to random trees: A review. Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, 2,53-114.

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Mahmoud, H. (2003). Mixed distributions in Sattolo's algorithm for cyclic permutations via randomization and derandomization. Journal of Applied Probability, 40, 790-796.

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Itoh, Y. and Mahmoud, H. (2003). One-sided variations on interval trees. Journal of Applied Probability, 40, 654-670.

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Mahmoud, H. (2003). One-sided variations binary search trees. The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 55, 885-900.

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Itoh, Y., Mahmoud, H. and Takahashi, D. (2004). A stochastic model for solitons. Random Structures and Algorithms, 24, 51-64.

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Mahmoud, H. (2004). Random sprouts a Internet models and Pólya processes. Acta Informatica, 41, 1-18.

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Mahmoud, H. and Tsukiji, T. (2004).  Limit laws for terminal nodes in random circuits with restricted fan-out: a family of graphs generalizing binary search trees. Acta Informatica, 42, 1432-0525.

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Javanian, M., Mahmoud, H. and Vahidi-Asl, M. (2004). Paths in m-ary interval trees. Discrete Mathematics, 287, 45-53.

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Johnson, N., Kotz, S. and Mahmoud, H. (2004). Pólya-type urn models with multiple drawings. Journal of the Iranian Statical Society, 3, 165-173.

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Christophi, C. and Mahmoud, H. (2005). The oscillatory distribution of distances in random tries. The Annals of Applied Probability, 15, 1536-1564.

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Itoh, Y. and Mahmoud, H. (2005). Age statistics in the Moran population model. Statistics and Probability Letters, 74, 21-30.

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Balaji, S., Mahmoud, H. and Watanabe. (2006). Distributions in the Ehrenfest process. Statistics and Probability Letters 76, 666-674.

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Itoh, Y., Mahmoud, H. and Smythe, R. (2006). Probabilistic analysis of maximal gap and total accumulated length in interval division. Statistics and Probability Letters, 76, 1356-1363.

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Balaji, S. and Mahmoud, H. (2006). Exact and Limiting distributions in diagonal Pólya processes. The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 58, 171-185.

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Aguech, R., Lasmar, N. and Mahmoud, H. (2006). Distances in random digital search trees. Acta Informatica, 43, 243-264.

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Aguech, R., Lasmar, N. and Mahmoud, H. (2006). Limit distribution of distances in biased random tries. Journal of Applied Probability, 43, 1-14.

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Arora, A., Jin, F., Sahin, G., Mahmoud, H. and Choi, A. (2006). Throughput analysis in wireless networks with multiple users and multiple channels. Acta Informatica, 43, 147-164.

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Aguech, R.; Lasmar, N. and Mahmoud, H. (2007). Weighted path lengths in random binary search trees. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 21, 133-141.

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Cristophi, C. and Mahmoud, H. (2008). On Climbing tries. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 22, 133-149.

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Feng, Q., Mahmoud, H. and Panholzer, A. (2008). Phase changes in subtree varieties in random recursive trees and binary search trees. SIAM J. on Discrete Mathematics, 22, 160-184.

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Feng, Q, Mahmoud, H. and Panholzer, A. (2008). Limit laws for the Randic index of random binary tree models. The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60, 319-343.

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Mahmoud, H. and Ward, M. (2008). Average-case Analysis of Cousins in m-ary Tries. Journal of Applied Probability, 45, 888-900.

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Mahmoud, H. (2009). Imbalance in random digital trees. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 11, 231-247.

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Mahmoud, H. (2010). Distributional analysis of moves in Quick Select. Theoretical Computer Science, 411, 1763-1769.

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Feng, Q. and Mahmoud, H. (2010). On the variety of shapes on the fringe of a random recursive tree. Journal of Applied Probability, 47, 191-200.

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Mahmoud, H. (2010). The power of choice in the construction of recursive trees.  Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 12, 763-773

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Balaji, S. Mahmoud, H. and Zhang, T. (2010).  Phases in the diffusion of gases via the Ehrenfest urn model. Journal of Applied Probability, 47, 841-855.

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Mahmoud, H. (2010). Gaussian phases in generalized coupon collection. Advances in Applied Probability, 24, 1-19.

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Kalpathy, R., Mahmoud, H. and Ward, M. (2011). Asymptotic properties of a leader election algorithm. Journal of Applied Probability, 48, 1-7.

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Elmasry, A. and Mahmoud, H. (2011). Analysis of swaps in radix select. Advances in Applied Probability, 43, 524-544.

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Kholfi, S. and Mahmoud, H. (2012). The class of tenable zero-balanced Pólya urns with an initially dominant color, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, 49-57.

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Mahmoud, H. and Smythe, R. (2012).  On the joint behavior of types of coupons in generalized coupon collection. Advances in Applied Probability, 44, 429-451.

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Zhang, T. and Mahmoud H. (2012). An Urn Model for population mixing and the phases within. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (to appear).

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Morcrette, B. and Mahmoud, H. (2012). Exactly solvable balanced tenable urns with random entries via the analytic methodology.  Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, proc. AQ, 219-232.

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    Kholfi, S. and Mahmoud, H. (2012). The class of tenable zero-balanced Pólya urn schemes: characterization and Gaussian phases. Advances in Applied Probability, 44, 702-728.

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Mahmoud, H. and Ward, M. (2012).  The distribution of two-protected nodes in random binary search trees. Applied Mathematics Letters, 25, 2218-2222.

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Mahmoud, H. (2012+). Drawing multisets of balls from tenable balanced linear urns. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (accepted).

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Mahmoud, H. (2012+). The degree profile in some classes of random graphs that generalize recursive tree. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (tentatively accepted).

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Sparks, J. and Mahmoud, H. (2012+).  Phases in the two-color tenable zero-balanced Pólya process. Statistics and Probability Letters (tentatively accepted).