GWU Topology Seminar

Fall 2008 – Spring 2009



Math Dept Colloquium

Math Appl Seminar

Analysis Seminar

Applied Math Seminar

Combinatorics Seminar

Logic Seminar

Graduate Seminar




January 12 , 2009, Monday,  3:00 – 4:00 pm.

Speaker: David Penneys, UC-Berkeley.

Title: Examples of planar algebras

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



February 20 , 2009, Friday,  4:15 - 5:15pm.

Speaker: Kouki Taniyama (Waseda University and George Washington University)

Title: Circle immersions that can be divided into two arc embeddings

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



We give a complete characterization of a circle immersion that can be divided

into two arc embeddings in terms of its chord diagram.

Paper reference:



March 6 , 2009, Friday,  4:15 - 5:15pm.

Speaker: Hao Wu, George Washington University

Title: Khovanov-Rozansky homology via matrix factorizations, part 1.

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



This is the first of a series of talks aimed to give a detailed introduction to the Khovanov-Rozansky homology.



Friday, March 13, 4:15 - 5:15pm.

Speaker: Hao Wu, George Washington University

Title: Khovanov-Rozansky homology via matrix factorizations, part 2.

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267


Abstract: This is the second of a series of talks aimed to give a detailed introduction to the Khovanov-Rozansky homology.


Friday, March 27, 4:15-5:15pm.

Speaker: Hao Wu, George Washington University

Title: Khovanov-Rozansky homology via matrix factorizations, part 3.

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267



Friday, April 3, 4:15-5:15pm.

Speaker: Hao Wu, George Washington University

Title: Khovanov-Rozansky homology via matrix factorizations, part 4.

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267


Abstract: This is the fourth of a series of talks aimed to give a detailed introduction to the Khovanov-Rozansky homology. In this talk, I will define MOY graphs and the matrix factorizations associated to them. If time allows, I will prove the decomposition theorems.


And more talks by Hao Wu on Friday 4:15 – 5:15pm.


Friday, April 24, 4:15-5:15pm.

Speaker: Dragomir Saric (Queens College CUNY)

Title:  The mapping class group cannot be realized by homeomorphisms

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267



The mapping class group MCG(S) of a closed surface S of genus at least 2 is quotient of the group of homeomorphisms Homeo(S) by the subgroup Homeo_0(S) of homeomorphisms homotopic to the identity. We show that MCG(S) does not homeomorphically lift to Homeo(S) which answers a question of Nielsen.

This is a joint work with V. Markovic.



Monday, April 27, 4 -5 pm.

Speaker: Alexander Shumakovitch, George Washington University

Title: Homologically Z_2-thin knots have no 4-torsion in Khovanov homology.

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267


Abstract: I will show how to use the Bockstein spectral sequence to prove that homologically Z_2-thin knots have no 4-torsion in Khovanov homology. This completes the proof of the fact that the integer Khovanov homology of alternating knots is completely determined by their Jones polynomial and signature.



Seminar Talks in Fall 2008


September 12, 2008, Friday,  4- 5 pm

Speaker: Witek Rosicki (Gdansk University, Poland)

Title: Quandle Cocycle Invariants for Knots, Knotted Surfaces

         and Knotted 3-Manifolds

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



A quandle is a non-associative  algebraic structure.  Carter, Jeslovsky, Kamada,

Langford and Saito (1999, 2003) constructed the quandle cohomology theory.

They found invariants of knots and knotted surfaces in 2-nd and 3-rd

quandle cohomology. Similar invariants exists for knotted

3-manifolds in 5-sphere in 4-th quandle cohomology.



September 19, 2008, Friday,  4:30- 5:30 pm

Speaker: Krzysztof Putyra  (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)

Title: Cobordisms with chronology

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



I will enrich cobordisms with special projections on the closed interval I = [0; 1]

to break the symmetry of oriented cobordisms. This creates a new category, which in case

of dimension two has a nice presentation by generators and relations. This category

can be used to give a functorial description of the construction of odd link homology as

well as to define a new type of TQFT's.


September 21, 2008, Monday,  4:30- 5:30 pm

Speaker: Krzysztof Putyra  (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)

Title: Odd link homology theories given by chronological TQFT's

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



For a given tangle diagram T I will build the Khovanov complex Kh(T) in the category of cobordisms with chronology.

It is invariant under Reidemeister moves up to chain homotopies, relations analogous to Bar-Natan's S/T/4Tu

and a condition given by a chronology change. Any chronological TQFT satisfying these additional conditions

defines a complex in the category of modules and we can compute its homology. This procedure generalises

both Khovanov and odd link homology theories.


October 17, 2008, Friday,  4:15- 5:15 pm

Speaker: Melissa Macasieb, University of Maryland, College Park.

Title: Character Varieties of an Infinite Family of Two-Bridge Knots

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



To every hyperbolic finite volume 3-manifold M, one can associate a pair

of related algebraic varieties X(M) and Y(M), the SL_2(C)- and

PSL_2(C)-character varieties of M. These varieties carry much

topological information about M, but are in general difficult to

compute. If M has one cusp, then both these varieties have dimension

one. In this talk, I will also show how to obtain explicit equations for

the character varieties associated to a family of hyperbolic two-bridge

knot complements S^3-K(m,n) and discuss some interesting consequences of

this work.


This is joint work with Kate Petersen and Ronald van Luijk.



October 24, 2008, Friday,  4:15- 5:15 pm

Speaker: Yi Lin, Georgia Southern University

Title: Introduction to group actions on generalized complex manifolds

Place: Monroe Hall, 2115 G Street, Room 267  



Generalized complex geometry was introduced by Hitchin and further developed by his students.

It is a simultaneous generalization of both symplectic geometry and complex geometry and so

is well-suited to the study of things related to both, e.g., Mirror symmetry. In this talk, we will

 review the notions of generalized moment map, Hamiltonian action and quotient in generalized

complex geometry.  Then we will explain the Morse-Bott theory behind the geometry of

generalized moment maps. We explain that central results in Hamiltonian symplectic geometry,

such as the Duistermaat-Heckman theorem, equivariant formality, and Kirwan injectivity and

surjectivity extend to Hamiltonian actions on generalized complex manifolds.



November 13, Thursday, 2008, 4:15- 5:15 pm

Speaker: Ivan Dynnikov, University of Moscow

Title: A geometric approach to braid conjugacy.

Place: Bell 108, GWU. 



I will speak about an algorithm that is conjectured to solve the

conjugator search problem for braids in polynomial time. It is based on

geometric presentation of braids as homeomorphisms of a punctured disk

rather than algebraic one.




Some Previous Topology Seminars:

Spring 2007

Fall 2007 - Spring 2008


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