Common Errors in English
This is a fun page. Brian provides you with a long list of words or word pairs that create problems for users. Some problems are semantic, some orthographic; others are problems of usage.
A Spelling Test
Missy tests you on 50 commonly misspelled words in English.
ESL Idiom Page
Idioms are important, especially in spoken English. You can search in three categories: the complete list of idioms at this site, meanings and examples, and random idioms. This page is maintained by Dennis Oliver. 
*Student Reviews Available
Dave Sperling's ESL Slang Page
You are probably interested in slang, right? Here's the place to pick up some common slang expressions.
Word A Day
Increase your vocabulary in English. Visit this site often. A new word is posted every day along with its pronunciation and definition. 
*Student Reviews Available
Phrasal Verb Page
Oh, those two-word verbs in English! They are very important because they keep appearing all the time. Here's the place to learn them well. This is another site maintained by Dennis Oliver.
The Word Wizard
The Word Wizard has a lot to offer. Visit his Slang Street which has word expressions in four categories: talking, sleeping, eating, and drinking. He will also answer any questions that you submit about words, and he offers fun word contests.
Focusing on Words
This is a very advanced vocabulary site which is divided into A List of Word Activities (including vocabulary quizzes), From My Filing Cabinet (stories about words), and My Encounter with Iktho, a story with very advanced vocabulary. 
*Student Review Available.
Toon in to Idioms
This is a very attractive and useful site. You are given an idiom along with an illustration and a sample dialogue which you can listen to if your computer has speakers. You can also take an idiom test and a voice will tell you if you are right or wrong. 
*Student Review Available
Idiom Quizzes: Dave's ESL Cafe
Test your knowledge of idioms by taking an idiom quiz or two. Your test will be corrected within seconds. 
*Student Review Available
Sounds of the World's Animals   
Learn what sounds animals make in English. Dogs bark, owls hoot, frogs croak, etc.
An Illustrated Approach to a Bigger and Better Vocabulary 
Most of the words that are illustrated at this site are derived from Latin and Greek. Remember the words better by learning of their origins.
200 Vocabulary Exercises    
This page contains vocabulary exercises on a variety of topics. All exercises are corrected on the spot.
Vocabulary Games   
This page has a wealth of different kinds of games to increase your vocabulary including Hangman and Speed Words.
The Nickname Game   
You are given ten names. Then you choose which of four choices is the nickname for that name. 

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Last updated on March 16, 2005

Maintained by Christine Foster Meloni at The George Washington University