Along came a spider

A Thaddeus Wentworth Mystery

Chapter 1: The Gates of Hell
Chapter 2: Laundry Day
Chapter 3: Passwords and Old Friends
Chapter 4: Here Come Da Jugs
Chapter 5: The Champ
Chapter 6: Money Laundering
Chapter 7: The Princess and the Yeshiva Boy
Chapter 8: A Friend Indeed
Chapter 9: Bring on the Odyssey
Chapter 10: Eagle Eye Esterberry
Chapter 11: The Wheel of the Seasons
Chapter 12: The Great Nation of Syncopation
Chapter 13: The Wrinkle
Chapter 14: Grift on the Internet
Chapter 15: Along Came a Spider
Cast of Characters
Plot Summary

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Copyright © 2000 John M. Artz. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of the author is prohibited.
Introduction to the Spider story.
Gershom Oxenstein gets his head blown off.
Wentworth is brought onto the case.
Wentworth runs into his old partner at DC Police Headquarters.
Wentworth and Ramana meet D.J. Calahan, aka Mrs. Oxenstein.
Background on Ramana, The Champ, and a few clues.
Got lots of illegal cash? Here's a tutorial on money laundering.
Calahan and Oxenstein are not quite what they seemed to be.
Ramana saves Wentworth's life.
Hungover, Wentworth must face some unpleasant realities.
Wentworth and Ramana find an eywitness to the murder.
Wentworth and staff take a day trip to Lurray Caverns.
The murderer has an air tight alibi.
The case hangs up on a legal snag.
Ramana fills in Wentworth regarding Internet scams.
Wentworth solves the mystery.
Descriptions of the major and minor characters.
Outline of the plot and description of major themes.