T.J. Wentworth Mystery Listserv

Instruction to Subscribe

In order to subscribe to the T.J. Wentworth Mystery List:
  1. Send an email message to listserv@hermes.circ.gwu.edu .

  2. Leave the subject line blank.

  3. In first line in the body type "sub mysterylist firstname lastname" without the quotes and replacing firstname with your first name and lastname with your last name. Nobody checks your first name and last name, so you can type "sub mysterylist Barney Fife" However, you will receive messages at your email address that appear to be to Barney Fife and your friends will, no doubt, think you very weird.

  4. You will receive a confirmation message, which you can either reply to or you can go to a URL to confirm. Then you will be on the list. On this list you will receive email notifying you of progress in the online novels and occasional pontifications about all manner of things that I feel are too good not to share.