Thaddeus Wentworth

Identity | Spider | Confidence | Hamartia | Closure
Introduction | Background | Status | FAQ

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The Thaddeus Wentworth Mysteries are a collection of five full length detective novels that form a complete whole. That is to say that elements in one story may relate to elements in another story. And some of the key characters appear in several of the stories. Once the five stories are completed no further will be written. Each story can be read on its own, but some deeper elements will be missed. The best way to read them is in the order in which they were written which is the order in which they are presented on this page.

This series of stories is a work in progress in two respects. First, only two of the stories have been completed - Identity and Spider. Confidence is in the process of being written. Second, at the same time that I am writing the stories, I am developing a concept which I simply call 'the online novel'. This concept is explained in the Introduction to the Online Novel. Since this concept is still evolving, it is likely that I will continue making modifications for quite some time.

So, why put these stories online when they are only half done? Why not wait until they are all written and the online development is completed? Well, there are four primary reasons (possibly excuses). First, at the rate that I am writting, it may be a couple years before the stories are complete. Second, some readers like to get an inside view of the creative process and watching a work in progress provides that insight. Third, as I have been writting these stories, I have recieved a great deal of feedback from readers all of which has benefitted the stories. If you are reading a partially written story, please feel free to comment on it and I might incorporate your ideas later in the story. Finally, I am learning from this process. I am learning how to write and I am developing the online novel concept. Both of which require feedback. If you don't want to read a work in progress, you can check the status and it will tell you what is complete, what is in progress, and when to expect various milestones. Otherwise, feel free to read, reread, and don't forget to send me your comments.

The Stories

  1. Identity: A Metaphysical Detective Story in which the detectives search for the truth is a metaphor for his search for himself. An exploration of the concept of identity.

  2. Along Came a Spider: A traditional 'who-dunit'. Try to solve the mystery before the detective does.

  3. Confidence: A psychological study of a confidence man and an exploration of the concept of free will.

  4. Hamartia: A traditional Aristotelean tragedy, with a Dickens style blowhard thrown in for comic relief.

  5. Closure: The wrap up of the Thaddeus Wentworth series.

Thanks for your time and attention, and I hope you enjoy these stories.

Identity | Spider | Confidence | Hamartia | Closure